
Alert Customizer.

Step 1: Your Details

The stream key is located in your default Saweria donation alert URL, right after the ?streamKey= section. Copy and paste that into the text box above.

Step 2: Design However You Like!

Use the HTML and CSS editor below to modify your alert's styling. We included a sample layout for you to get started. Use variables with the format of {variableName} to include alert data in the content.

Available variables you can use inside your custom HTML code are as follows:

  • {img} - Where the custom alert image below will be injected.
  • {alertTemplate} - Where the alert template below will be injected.
  • {message} - The donation message.

You can use these variables in your alert template.

  • {donatee} - name of the donator.
  • {amount} - donation amount.
Loading code editor...
Loading code editor...

Step 3: Get Your URL